It’s time to share some more of the 2014 high school senior sessions from this season.

This session was purchased at a church auction at Immanuel Lutheran, St Charles. I was happy to donate in order to help the kids earn money for an upcoming trip.

Rachel had some great ideas for her session. Main Street St Charles has so much to offer for high school senior photoshoots. We started off with a few formal shots, finding beautiful textures and colors of old and new buildings. Adding in Brody (the dog) created a little bit of crazy but we also got a few really cute images before he decided the life of a super-model dog wasn’t for him. LOL

Here are some of my favorites (and theirs too).

Since Softball has been such a big part of her life, we did an entire series to showcase her team jersey and equipment. Looking at her smile, it’s easy to see that she loves the game! Her eyes show such determination, I’d hate to be the batter on the opposing team when she was pitching. 🙂

Thanks for allowing me to shoot your high school senior portraits! Please continue to pass along my name and send your friends for their own senior photo shoots.

To book your session please call 636-947-5956 during normal business hours or fill out the contact form here on the site. We can photograph in St Charles, St Peters, St Louis and most places surrounding. If you also want studio photos, those are available too. Lutheran High School students – yearbook portraits will be sent directly to the school on your behalf at no additional charge to you.

Karen Thaemert, CPP

St Charles Photographer, High School Senior Photography

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